IoT in temperature monitoring IoT temperature monitoring device with GPS Tracker

IoT technology is evolving rapidly and has surpassed traditional systems in terms of features and functionality. Remote monitoring and advanced analytics applications are revolutionizing businesses and delivering exceptional benefits.


One IoT application is temperature monitoring. Temperature monitoring solutions are highly beneficial for industries where temperature plays a crucial role in defining product quality. Moreover, in the cold chain, temperature monitoring solutions enable logistics managers to control the temperature of transported goods in real time. In this solution, sensors continuously measure the temperature of the closed system and communicate it to a centralized platform via the network. Using the platform, people can remotely monitor the system's temperature and ensure that goods are transported in a temperature-controlled environment.


Fresh Tracker 1 is a temperature monitoring device with GPS Tracker that tracks the location of shipments worldwide through real-time temperature monitoring; real-time alerts can be managed, with support for text messages, mail, early warning platform and push application. The platform adopts a B/S+C/S architecture, which can communicate with user platform data and support secondary development of the user platform. Freshliance provides all kinds of temperature or temperature and humidity data logging solutions to ensure that every change in the entire cold chain solution is traced and irreversibly recorded; PDF logging, CSV temperature history, online IOT logging in any format are available.