Transportation and distribution of airplane meals Bluetooth temperature data loggers

Author:Freshliance Update time:2023-11-20 Hits:

It is important to ensure that raw materials are transported throughout the cold chain at a temperature below 5°C when receiving incoming goods; the ambient temperature of the processing link is below 20℃, the storage period for vegetables and fruit in warehouses does not exceed 2 days, and processed meals are put on the plane within 24 hours ; when all kinds of food are cooked hot, the core temperature must be above 65℃; when food is cold in rapid cooling time, the core temperature of the food must be lowered to less than 10℃ within 2 hours, and the food must be pushed into the refrigerator in good time. During rapid cooling, the central temperature of the food must be lowered to less than 10℃ within 2 hours, and the food must be pushed into the refrigerator in good time. All these efforts have also led to the definition of strict temperature control requirements in the airplane meals distribution process. The temperature of airplane meals distribution may not exceed 10℃, and the optimum temperature is 0℃~5℃. Meals will be discarded if the cold chain transport temperature exceeds 10℃.


In order to guarantee the safety of aerial food in the distribution process, the aerial catering truck must apply strict cold chain monitoring measures to ensure maximum food freshness and safety. The internal arrangement of several temperature sensors in the refrigerator body enables direct monitoring of food temperature. Due to the vastness of the refrigerator case, the internal temperature is not uniform, so it is necessary to install a number of sensors to monitor the temperature at several points. This ensures that the temperature at all points is within the permitted range, to avoid food spoilage. Temperature inconsistency at each point can also be used to determine whether there are any leaks in the refrigerated container, thus ensuring food safety.


As a Bluetooth temperature data logger, the Blue Tag T10 is small in size. It's easy to connect and use. All parameters can be set via the cell phone application. This wireless HACCP temperature sensor can also be connected indefinitely. One sensor can be connected to an unlimited number of users on an unlimited number of Android and IOS phones. The app can support an unlimited number of sensors, limited only by the phones. Bluetooth connection via the app, you can scan the code to read temperature data through the app on your phone. The HACCP temperature data logger complies with CE and RoHS standards, as well as EN12830 and HACCP temperature guidelines and requirements.

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