How to preserve cherries Fruits Intelligent Bluetooth HACCP temperature and humidity data logger

Author:Freshliance Update time:2023-08-17 Hits:

Today, there are over 600 varieties of cherry, the best known of which are Bigarreau and Burlat. The world cherry market has been growing steadily for many years, and now stands at 3.6 million tonnes produced annually. Turkey is the world's largest cherry producer, followed by the USA and Iran.


Storage conditions :

ü Température optimum: -0.5 to 0.5°C

ü Humidité optimum relative humidity: 90 to 95%

Rapid cooling to optimum temperature after harvest is beneficial for maintaining fruit quality. Maintaining high humidity is necessary to preserve stem color. Proper temperature management (rapid cooling to optimum storage temperature) can completely control rhizopus rot and significantly reduce brown rot and gray mold.


Blue Tag TH20 is an intelligent Bluetooth HACCP temperature and humidity data logger based on Bluetooth communication technology. This Bluetooth temperature logger offers a temperature range from -30°C to +70°C. It comes with up to 65,000 measurement values with real temperature and humidity display. This HACCP temperature sensor is commonly used in a variety of industries to monitor ambient temperature.

With the Bluetooth application supplied by our company, you can quickly and precisely adjust the various product parameters. The Bluetooth connection via app allows you to read temperature data via your phone's app. The Bluetooth temperature monitor is CE, CE-RED certified and complies with EN12830 for the transport, storage and distribution of foodstuffs.

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