Temperature monitoring in the greenhouse WIFI temperature and humidity data logger

Author:Freshliance Update time:2023-06-21 Hits:

All vegetable growers dream of being able to produce while preserving a good quality of life. To do so, several principles and tools can be implemented.

In greenhouse production, one of the secrets of stress reduction is to optimize the factors that influence the environment. These include temperature, ventilation, humidity and irrigation. An optimum greenhouse temperature allows plants to develop in an ideal climate, thus reducing the risk of disease or deficiency and maximizing yields.



A plant's growth is directly dependent on how much light it receives. The greater the light, the more the plant photosynthetics and produces sugars. This will require heat to activate the plant's metabolism. This allows the plant to absorb the sugars produced during the day, which allows it to grow in balance. Less light means less growth and therefore less quality. There is no light at night, but the plants still need some heat.

Vigor is related to the average greenhouse temperature during 24 hours. This average is an important measure to know in order to create a comfortable climate for plant growth. It is adapted depending on the amount of light. The more light the plant gets, the higher the average and conversely.  

Calculating this average by hand is not impossible, but it is a tedious and time-consuming task. To simplify the task, a temperature recorder calculates this average automatically.


Uniform greenhouse temperature

Having a consistent temperature in a greenhouse helps plants grow uniformly. If the heat is not evenly distributed, the section where the heating element is installed will be warmer than the other. If one side of the greenhouse is heated more than the other, there will be an imbalance in plant vigor. To compensate, we will have to increase greenhouse heating, which we want to prevent.


Clearly, temperature control in a greenhouse is complicated, but essential. For efficient implementation, I recommend COEUS-WIFI, a configurable and rechargeable WIFI temperature and humidity data logger with a large LCD screen. Its built-in PDF / CSV file generation function enables it to generate irreversible reports directly, without the need for software.

It offers a high-resolution temperature range from -20°C to +50°C, up to 360 working days with real-time temperature and humidity data and time. This temperature data logger is ideal for indoor temperature monitoring.

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