The importance of temperature for chemicals Chemicals Reusable temperature data logger with LCD display

Author:Freshliance Update time:2023-09-07 Hits:

Chemicals solidify when the temperature drops below their freezing point. This creates a risk of containers bursting, resulting in a spill. Even if the temperature doesn't drop below freezing, cold temperatures change a chemical's properties. Viscosity deteriorates. Extreme cold damages emulsions in paints. The consistency becomes granular or lumpy, making it unusable. High temperatures also have a negative impact on chemicals. Vapors form inside their storage containers. The increased pressure of these vapors can cause the container to burst and potentially spill. For example, the bleaching agent hydrogen peroxide is unstable and decomposes when heated. It releases oxygen, which automatically ignites when mixed with organic compounds.


Volatile chemicals are not always stored in sufficient quantities to require mass evacuation. But the risks of storing any chemical outside its safe temperature range are always significant. Monitor temperature of chemicals during transportation and storage is necessary.


The TagPlus-T is a reusable temperature data logger with LCD display for easy visualization of temperature data. In this device, parameters can be set by a professional user before use. The complete travel history is recorded and downloaded in encrypted reports with summary data, graphs and tables. The report can be read directly from a target computer. Temporary mode allows the device to continue operating once users have generated and read the temporary report. This USB temperature sensor is an ideal choice for recording temperature changes of sensitive products in transit.

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